How to start playing poker professionally

Poker is one of the world’s most popular card games, and professional poker players can make a perfect living. If you’re interested in becoming a professional poker player, there are a few things you need to do to get started. In this article, we’ll outline how to start playing poker professionally.

What to do before you start playing poker professionally

Before you can start playing poker professionally, you need to be sure that you have a good understanding of the rules and strategies of the game. Many online resources can help with this, such as books or articles written by experts like Kitty Kuo. It would help if you also spent time practising the game to get better.

Next, you’ll want to ensure you understand how tournaments work and the type of tournament structures available for each game type. Professional players typically join larger tournaments with bigger prize pools because these offer more opportunities for success. Also, try to find local poker clubs where experienced professionals play so you can practice against them and learn from their strategies.

How to find a suitable poker game and stakes

Once you understand the game and tournament structures, it’s time to find your perfect poker game. When starting professionally, you want to ensure that you play at a level where you feel comfortable competing. It means selecting stakes and formats that match your skill set.

For example, if your skill set is best suited for cash games, starting with low-stakes tables might be best until you can comfortably transition into mid or high-stakes tables. Or if tournaments are more your thing, look for small buy-in tournaments where the prize pool isn’t too large so that the idea of more significant losses won’t put you off.

What type of player should you aim to be

Once you’ve figured out what type of game to play and at which stakes, it’s time to start thinking about your style of play. Professional poker players typically fall into three categories: tight-aggressive players, loose-aggressive players, and middle-of-the-road players. Tight-aggressive players are generally quite conservative in their betting styles, only playing hands when they think they have a good chance of winning. Loose-aggressive players take more significant risks by playing more hands but also place larger bets when they do.

Middle-of-the-road players are somewhere in between the two extremes – making sensible decisions while still taking calculated risks. Your choice will depend on your playing style and bankroll management strategy.

Developing and honing your skills

Once you have identified the type of player you are aiming to become, it’s time to focus on developing and honing your skills. You can do this by studying strategies from experts like kitty Kuo, watching educational videos, or playing in small-stakes games against other players who are more experienced than you. This way, you can learn from their mistakes and adapt new strategies to your own game.

Lastly, find a mentor and experienced professional poker player who can guide and support you throughout your journey. Having someone with experience in the game will ensure that you stay focused on improving and help keep any negative emotions in check.

How to manage your bankroll

Managing your bankroll is an integral part of playing poker professionally. You’ll need to be sure that you have enough money in your account to cover any losses and enough to pay taxes if applicable. It’s also essential to plan how much you’re comfortable investing and when to walk away from the table. Professional players tend to set limits based on their risk tolerance levels and financial goals – this will help ensure that they stay manageable and avoid losing more than they can afford.

Tips for playing in live tournaments

If you have decided to take your poker career to the next level by playing in live tournaments, there are some essential tips that you should follow. Firstly, make sure that you study the tournament structure carefully before registering for it so that you know what kind of competition you’ll be facing. Secondly, always practice good bankroll management and avoid risking a certain percentage of your total funds at any time. Lastly, it’s essential to remain calm and focused even if things don’t go as planned – this will help ensure that your decisions aren’t clouded by tilt or other negative emotions.


Starting a professional poker player career can be exciting and intimidating. However, with the right approach and dedication, anyone can become successful in this game. All it takes is finding the right stakes and formats that match your skillset, developing your strategy through practice and studying experts like kitty Kuo, managing your bankroll effectively, and having the patience to stay focused even when things don’t go according to plan. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful professional poker player.